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Intelligent Business Developers


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我们是一家贸易服务公司,公司名称是Intelligent Business Developers,简称IBD,主要是帮助客户指定发展规划、业务拓展方案以及采购商品,为产品质量投保。


  1. 寻找产品和供应商;
  2. 寻找经销商;
  3. 审核供应商和经销商:验证供应商和经销商持有的由政府颁发的进出口权证书,证实合作公司的合法性;
  4. 组织工厂或贸易展览会,提供翻译服务、交通服务和安排住宿服务;
  5. 法律及其他商业协助:文件及合同的翻译;
  6. 保险、质量管控以及包装:按照合同保证产品质量和包装合格,是十分必要的。
  7. 协助开设办事处:我们帮助客户完成法律程序、租用办公地点以及雇佣员工。
  8. 物流服务:根据交货时间安排货物运输。
  1. 我们承诺客户利益至上;
  2. 我们的主要优势在于人力资源方面的优势;
  3. 我们承诺我们的所有服务解决方案均为环保方案;
  4. 我们承诺提高客户资源的有效利用率和使用率。

Intelligent Business Developers is a service company.

Which it aims to provide our customers, business development, expansion of operations, and search for products and quality assurance thereof.

IBD is committed to the development of business opportunities.

Developers Intelligent Business develops business opportunities, build lasting strategic relationships. Our working model is oriented to understand the needs of organizations in today's business world and meet the interests of our customers.

Our experience and knowledge allows us to offer services that generate added value.

We generate added value to organizations or individuals who want to sell or buy products in China, USA, India and Brazil.

We specialize in "start-up business" and medium and small businesses that want to grow their coverage at national and international levels, reduce the risk in buying and returning products, increase the range of products they offer and gain more market share .

Our services include:
  • Search for products and suppliers
  • Search for distributors or dealers
  • Verification of suppliers or distributors: verify the licenses of import and export with government agencies to ensure the legitimacy of companies.
  • Organization of customized factories and business fairs, with interpreter services, transportation and accommodation visits.
  • Legal and commercial support: translation of documents and contracts
  • Assurance and quality control of products and packaging: It is essential to ensure product quality and packaging in accordance with the established contracts.
  • Opening offices: We help with the legal process, search for space and hiring employees.
  • Logistics: import and export in compliance with delivery times.

Mission: To provide our customers a comprehensive business development to suit the individual needs of each client to gain competitive advantage by creating strategic partnerships that help generate sustained and lasting growth.

Vision: To be recognized as leaders in providing business development services to create solutions that meet or exceed the expectations of our customers.

  • We are committed to the interests of our clients
  • We recognize that our main capital is human capital
  • We are committed to finding solutions that are not detrimental to the environment.
  • We are committed to improving the efficiency and availability of resources of our clients